New year! New you? How to set positive fitness resolutions
Every January, without fail, if you happen to walk past a commercial gym, you will glance in and see the absolute pandemonium of people fighting to get on machines, or make space to lift weights.
I’ve seen it over and over for decades as a member of various gyms and as a fitness professional; and every year without fail the numbers of people sticking with the “new me” dwindle over the next 6 to 8 weeks. They become disillusioned and demotivated as the “new me” turns out not to be as simple as the beautiful people tell them it is.
The problem is, people put too much pressure on themselves to suddenly change their lifestyles so drastically, that it puts mental stress on them as they beat themselves up for not seeing drastic results.
New years resolutions are all good and well but they take extreme discipline.
Everyone I’ve seen make change, has done so gradually, at a pace they can physically and mentally tolerate. Pushing yourself is always essential in the pursuit of a goal, however if it becomes all consuming at the cost of your own happiness, it’s extremely likely you will decide the sacrifice is not worth it and quit.
As individuals we have to come to our own place of change at a pace that gives us a positive viewpoint.
Think “I GET to lift weights / go for a run / workout” versus “I HAVE to”
If something is a chore, it won’t get done; and often the new year, new me brigade have pressured themselves to do things that they find a chore.
Try various options for your fitness, experiment with different healthy foods; these are all starting steps along your journey of healthy discovery. Make a list of the things you enjoy, that can get you closer to the person you picture yourself becoming, and do those things. And don’t feel that January is some mystical period of health that you must start in, start when you are ready and go at your own pace.
If you struggle to find your motivation perhaps hire a coach/PT to help you and motivate you along the way.
Good luck!