Parkfit outdoor fitness in Oxford

Parkfit every Saturday morning in Oxford

Unlike regular fitness classes or boot camps where you just feel like another number and are left behind in favour of the fit ones, Parkfit is inclusive and supportive and encourages a community atmosphere where everybody is equal.

Anybody is welcome from ages 16 and above with no upper age limit, you join in and work to your own ability. It doesn’t matter how inexperienced you are or how unfit you believe you are, everybody can grow at Parkfit.

Who is Parkfit for?

  • If you enjoy fitness classes but hate ego

  • If you like a community feel

  • If you enjoy being outdoors

  • If you are tired of being just a number at the gym

We meet every week on Saturday mornings outside Quarry sports pavilion in Headington Oxford (during football season there is even toilet facilities and tuck shop for a post workout coffee or sandwich).

The class is now completely bodyweight with a focus on improving baseline strength and mobility and improving your overall cardio fitness.

Unlike high intensity classes that can be very high impact we utilise more strength based movements that make a real difference to your strength, posture and movement patterns with the goal to improve your day to day life.

Won’t I get muddy training outside?

We provice mats all year round to keep your hands and knees safe and clean. And if you have kids that enjoy being outdoors, we run Parkfit right in front of a completely fenced off play area where you can keep tabs on them at a times.

So Parkfit is for everyday folks that enjoy fresh air, fitness, having a laugh and friendly chat as they train and not felling pressured to do anything they can’t manage.

If you are looking for something different then drop in for a session. There are no contracts and we can always make space.

Get in touch to discuss.

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