Myth busting: get fit quick schemes

If you’ve ever signed your money away to ads like this, I have bad news for you. It’s a con.

If results like this could be achieved in 7 days, 2 weeks, one month etc, we wouldn’t have the obesity epidemic that we currently have, because it would be super easy to just transform ourselves into sculpted olympian athletes.

Transformations are not quick fixes that can be achieved via an app in just 15 minutes a day. Transformations start in the mind and take passion, focus and commitment; they need structure and discipline to succeed. That means long term commitment to permanent life changes, with regards to physical activity and nutrition.

You can do as many crunches as you like, but you won’t see a shredded set of abs. Stunning bodies are built from hard training and decent, nutritious food and drink being prioritised. You have to really want change and commit to the work required to achieve the results.

Most people that you aspire to physically fit into two categories:

Young or genetically gifted - they have already come from a good genetic base, and an environment of healthy eating and activity from their families.

Grafters - the rest of us that have to put in real graft, and focus on balancing our diets to achieve and maintain results (usually over many years).

These are the people marketers take photos of to use in their adverts, so don’t be sucked in too easily (these people would never even consider touching a seven day shred anyway).

Talk to a professional and get results you can maintain and be proud of. If you need help with this, get in touch.


Client Journeys - Hannah


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